Wednesday, January 2, 2008

To 2008...

I've decided. 2008 will be my year. There's a lot coming up this year, not just for me, but for the people surrounding me. I'll turn 30, my brother will turn 40, my mom will turn 60 and I will GRADUATE with my MBA all within one month. I've decided. I'll take control of this year. Granted, I know I can't control everything, but I can strive to make my life closer to what I want it to be.

I'll be working on being physically healthier. I'm not going out with the bold statement of "I'll only eat healthy food and I'll work out every day." I'll be realistic. I'm getting older and it is not healthy to be at the weight I am at. I'll work on being healthier through diet and exercise.

I'll be working harder at school. I have a GPA goal that I'd like to achieve and if I concentrate on my last two quarters, I can do it. I'll still be proud of what I accomplished even if I don't meet my goal, but a girls gotta have goals!

I'll be working on making myself happier career-wise. I'll be graduating in June and it's time to take a long hard look at where I stand in my career. Will I stay where I am? Will I get a new position where I am? Will I change companies? Will I move somewhere else? Who knows. But I will be trying to take my career into my own hands and spend far less time being miserable in my job.

And finally, I'll be working on having more of a life! Many things fall under this goal, especially once school is over. I'll be trying to spend more time with my friends and family. I'll also be trying to spend more time OUT DOING THINGS. I don't go to as many places as I'd like, for many, work, homework, hard time finding someone to go places with. I will be doing more things even if it means going out by myself! And who knows? Maybe I can find a nice fella to join me. :)

To 2008...