Monday, January 17, 2011

Change, Change, Change

My how things have changed! And the more things change, the more I reevaluate where I'm at.

I don't mean to sound like I'm complaining, because I'm very thankful for everything I do have. I have a great job, I don't have to worry too much about money and I have great friends and family. It's just that I never thought I'd be in the situation I'm in.

I'm not going to lie - it's tough being away from your friends and family in a town where you know no one. I'm lucky enough to have nice people to work with, but I'm definitely struggling with making new friends outside of work. It's very easy to stay inside your little cocoon at home where it's nice and safe and it's difficult to think of places to go alone that will be safe and where you'll meet new friends. It's a little strange to think of a better way to say "Hey, I'm a loser with no friends. Wanna be my friend?" ;)

I sold my house, but it's bittersweet. I definitely needed to sell or I would be stuck with a mortgage in Indiana and expensive rent to pay in New Orleans, which I wouldn't be able to afford. But now, it's just that if I wanted to go home, there's no "home" to go to. No safety net. I'm here now...with no escape plan! :)

I guess no one knows where they're going to end up. And again, I don't mean to come off as complaining. I have a good life and to a great extent, your life is what you make it. It's just that I'd trade everything I've got for true love and a family of my own. Am I the only out there to feel this way?