Monday, May 2, 2011


total calories burned = 22,637
- total calories consumed = 11,885
= 10,752 calories GONE
/3500 =3.07 lbs GONE

According to the scale, I lost 4 pounds. So maybe I caught up with that pound that wasn't showing up last week. :)

I'm still working out with my trainer; that's going really well. I know I'm getting stronger. Everyone at that gym is really serious about what they're doing and they're a great support. They keep on you about nutrition and not just about working out. I really like that! And I'm always honest with them. I'm far from perfect and I'm not going to pretend to be perfect and have them wondering what's going on.

I had a quick trip back to Chicago this weekend. I planned ahead as I usually do regarding working out. I planned to go for a walk/run on Saturday and do a 5K with some friends on Sunday. Well I didn't work out on Saturday, but I was OK with that. I did do the 5K on Sunday and I'm so glad I signed up. It was the perfect day to run in Chicago and I had my best 5k time yet. ANNNNNND I stayed under my calorie goal all weekend!! Super impressed with myself about that. :)

Every time I am "on track" it amazes me how great I feel. I have more energy, I feel better about myself and I know I'm doing the right thing. It makes me wonder how I stay "off track" for so long sometimes. The trainer had me working out with a weight jacket on today. At the end, I was punished for eating too many carbs this weekend and had to wear the jacket on the treadmill while walking on an incline. I was dripping sweat. Finally I asked how heavy the jacket was....I figured 10-15 pounds. He told me it was 40 pounds! Holy crap, it was HARD to work out with that thing on. And it put things into perspective. I used to walk around with that "jacket" of 40 extra pounds on every single day. No wonder I was tired. No wonder I was miserable. And just think what it will be like to be even lighter and even healthier with even more energy. Can't wait!