Monday, November 15, 2010

Back to 50 - bittersweet

I'm finally back to 50 pounds down from my highest weight. I'm super proud because I've lost 30 pounds since checking in at Fitness Ridge on 9/25. But it's also bittersweet because I lost 65 pounds last year and gained most of it back in the first half of this year. So I'm losing what I already had lost last year. But oh well, can't dwell on that! Gotta stay focused on the long term goal - which is still 75 pounds away BUT if I stay on track, I will hit my goal on my birthday next year. Maybe, just maybe, if I end up moving back to Chicago next year, some people won't recognize me. :) Maybe, just maybe, New Orleans is time away for me to focus on me.

I'm super duper excited that next Thursday I'll get to make my first trip back to see my friends and family!!!! Seems like just yesterday I left them, but I've been here now for 2 1/2 months. I'm trying so hard to get so see everyone because my trip is pretty short. AND I want to make sure not to lose track of my health goals so I'm really going to try to work out while I'm there and not eat horribly. It's going to be an interesting balancing act cuz a girls gotta get her drink on one of those nights! :) If you're reading, can't wait to see you all. The countdown is ON!!