Sunday, August 30, 2009

Dear Body

Dear body...

I'm sorry I have abused you for so long. I'm sorry I've put you through so much when you have had to carry me the whole way.

I promise to think things through more often. I don't promise to be perfect or anywhere near it, but I promise to be better to you.

Dear feet...

I'm sorry I have stuffed you into uncomfortable shoes and put you through long days of nothing but standing.

Thank you for supporting me. You allowed me to climb the Great Wall of China. You allowed me to run out of my demolished house when a tornado rolled through it. You allow me to feel the sand between my toes on the beaches of the world. You allow me to do so many things and I promise to treat you to pedicures more often and wear uncomfortable heels less often.

Dear legs...

I'm sorry I call you fat and don't want to show you off.

You allowed me to run my first 5K, supporting a body that may not have been ready for that yet!

Dear stomach...

I'm sorry I gained so much weight that automatically went to you. I'm sorry I eat bad food even though I know you will get upset and I'm sorry that I hate you more than anything on my body.

I promise to reevaluate the things I am eating that will cause you so much pain. I promise to concentrate on you throughout my weight loss. And I promise to *try* to hate you a little less.

Dear arms...

You allowed me to pick up the children in my life and flip them upside down, give them kisses, give them piggy pack rides, give them hugs and so much more. You wrap around the people I love.

Dear hands...

You are my primary sense of touch. You let me touch someone's face while I kiss them. You let me work and type. You let me cook, clean and be productive.

Dear mouth & lips...

I'm sorry I look in the mirror and hate my lips. I'm sorry that I didn't take care of my teeth well enough when I was little and now have too many fillings.

Thank you for allowing me to say "I love you", "I miss you" and so many other things. Thank you for allowing me to sing, smile and kiss. And thank you for allowing me to taste foods from all around the world.

Dear nose...

I'm sorry that you are allergic to everything! I'm sorry I don't take my medication or go get the injections you need so you're not stuffy and sneezy.

You give me my sense of smell, allowing me to smell mom's cooking or the scent of a man fresh out of the shower.

Dear ears...

Thank you for allowing me to enjoy a symphony, opera or musical. Thank you for allowing me to hear the voices of the people I love. Thank you for all sounds you allow me to hear - from dogs barking to birds chirping to children laughing.

And dear eyes...

I'm sorry I strain you by not wearing my glasses when I read or drive. I'm sorry I expose you to the sun because I don't want to wear sunglasses since they make my face break out.

You have allowed me to see so much throughout my life. Colors, animals, places and people. You produce my tears when I am upset or crying out of pure joy. Without you, I would be lost.

So thank you, body. I know I put you through strain and abuse. I only have one of you and I will do my best to remember to take care of you.