Saturday, March 15, 2008


97 days til graduation. It was pretty awesome when that count went down into the double digits. 48 hours from now I'll be done with finals (stressing!) and this quarter will be over with. ONE MORE QUARTER!!! Now, that being said, I am very nervous about the last quarter. I picked a couple very time-intensive classes and I know that work is going to be very demanding in the next few months, so I'm very worried about balancing the two (not to mention the "other" things in life like family, friends, working out, etc). BUT I'M ALMOST DONE!!!!!! WHOOHOO!!

PS still doing pretty good on the health-watch. Worked out a couple times this week and ate pretty darn good. :)

Monday, March 10, 2008

Back on Track

I went back to the gym today. After being a big giant loser and not going to the gym since AUGUST when I signed up, I'm back on track. Kristie and Massiel and I have a little weight loss challenge going on, so hopefully that'll work out for all of us. And Stacy, Karla and I have another little challenge going on at work so we can getmore in shape before Cabo in a few months. I'll keep you updated on my weekly progress! (It better be progress!)