Sunday, April 24, 2011

4/17 - 4/23

total calories burned = 22,879
- total calories consumed = 10,659
= 12,220 calories GONE
/3500 =3.49 lbs GONE

OK so the math didn't work out scale says I lost 2.5 lbs this week, but I'm still happy with that! Total weight loss from my highest weight is 37.5 lbs. 87.5 lbs to go!

I found a new trainer this week. He helped one of my coworkers lose almost 100 pounds. He is pretty much a badass. I'm a little scared. But he is exactly what I need right now. He is involved in your nutrition and he takes the lead on everything he thinks your body needs to lose weight. He is a bodybuilder so he KICKS MY ASS. I've worked out with him twice so far and the aftermath is not fun. Holy soreness! I paid for 9 more sessions with him, 3x per week.

I also finished my first 10K race this week, the Crescent City Classic. It was 87* with 85% humidity and believe me, it felt like sweltering heat when the sun was beating down on you. I knew I wasn't ready to run even half of this race and that I'd be walking a good chunk. I was a little nervous because to me, a 10K was a big deal and people were probably going to take it seriously and be annoyed by my walking. Well, at the beginning of the race, about 50% of people were running, including me (on and off). 2 miles in, about 10% of people were running, not including me. I knew that I could run more, but I was very nervous about my body heat. I decided to walk the rest of the race (fast pace, of course). By the time we got through 5K, you could barely see anyone running. Even the "athletes" of the group seemed very fatigued. It was rare for someone to pass me. That made me feel better, I wasn't the only one getting beat down by the heat! I finished in an hour and 35 minutes. Not a great time, but about where I thought I'd finish. During the race, I heard people call their friends to come pick them up. I saw someone throw up. At mile 1.5, someone had passed out. I heard huffing and puffing out of so many people. People were struggling. And I made it. It was great. :)

I'm going to try to check in here each Sunday (my weigh-in days) so help keep me honest! I need all the motivation and encouragement I can get! HAPPY EASTER!!

1 comment:

Going On 30 said...

Great job on finishing the race! You're a bad ass! I'm thinking I need to find something like that to do. I will keep checking your blog to make sure you're keeping up with it every Sunday. :) Would love it if you'd read mine to check up on me too.