Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Well, it's been quite sometime since I posted.  Lots of good stuff going on!  Things seem to be falling into place and sometimes that is oddly unsettling to me.  I'm not used to it!

I've lived in my condo in Lincoln Park for a year and a half now.  Did some major remodeling and then got hit with a flood.  It ended up being a good thing for me because I had my whole kitchen redone by the talented Mueller Custom Cabinetry.  I love it.  Seriously.  Love, love, love!  As a matter of fact, I was browsing home listings today and as I looked at each of the kitchens, I thought, "I wish we had kept the old cabinets from this place so I could take my new kitchen with me wherever I go!"  I love it THAT much.  My place has a beautiful, giant deck and I can't wait for the weather to change so I can go back to using it!  My neighborhood is amazing.  Everything I need is right here!

My job has gotten sooooo much better over the past months.  After going through a really rough time with my last boss, things are finally falling into place.  He's gone, we've adjusted some of our staff and most importantly, I now have three direct reports to make sure everything is getting done.  And they are amazing.  They make sure our team of 40ish employees is on track instead of me having to do it all!!  I can't tell you how happy that makes me!  PLUS it means I'm not working a ton of hours anymore.  I can actually have a life!  Now where do I start?!?  :)

How about with big travel plans coming up in April!?  Going to GREECE!!!!  I cannot WAIT.  It's been too long since I've traveled and I want to make sure I take advantage of my ability to do it now. I had an amazing trip to Spain last year and there's still a whole world out there waiting for me to see!  A recent goal I've set is to run a 5K or more in every state.  I KNOW I can do it.  No time limit, just do it.  And I will.

Of course, still contemplating love, relationships, children, age, weight, life plans, etc.  I've actually been giving recent thought to the possibility of adoption.  It's a humungous decision.  Think about it.  Think about working full time, having no close friends or family much closer than an hour drive to help you out and trying to balance raising a child within that.  It makes no sense.  It doesn't really work on your own.  Yet, I ponder.

Not sure if anyone is still out there reading but got a kick in the butt from my brother who is now starting to blog.  Made me think about mine and how it can sometimes be therapeutic to put your thoughts down in writing.  More later!

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