Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day Four - Thursday

I FREAKIN' CLIMB MOUNTAINS!!! Didja ever think I would say that? Didja? We had the best hike today. It was really tough (but not as tough as stop sign for me). It was literally up a mountain, through rocks and sand. It took about 3 hours (which made us late for our next class but it was worth it)! But I'm getting ahead of myself. For those of you that don't care about the details, sorry, please just look at the pretty pics. :) I want to post details for the people reading who are coming to the resort. So here's the menu for today and pics of the breakfast sandwich (pretty yummy).

PS for those that are interested in the gross details (Carie), I had my first episode of vomiting this morning. YAY! I was worried about going on the hike, but everything turned out just fine. Anyway, on to the hike. So as I mentioned we climbed up this mountain. Not everyone made it and not everyone who DID make it thought they would. But when we got to the top of that mountain, it was sooooooo worth it! The view was A-MA-ZING! Here's a couple pics that will show you how steep the incline was and the great view:

After the hike, we missed our next class because we were so late from the hike. We went to below but I opted out of this meal and had scrambled eggs. For those of you coming here, make sure you ASK on the first day what your other meal options are because they won't outwardly tell you (ie you can always get double veggies, you can get cereal, toast, eggs, a boca burger, etc). This was the first meal that I didn't even try. For shame! But I did eat the soup.

After lunch we had a cooking demo with the main chef. It was very informative and not even hard to stay awake, haha!

Next we had a pool class. The sun wasn't out anymore so we FROZE! I never would've imagined saying that but it was freezing. Then we had a ball class that was not so great because it was a new instructor - it was her first class and apparently she forgot that we were all fatties! Everyone was complaining. Then for our final class we had Treading. Everyone talks about this and apparently people who have come here continue to do it on Thursday to be bonded. I think that's awesome and I'm vowing to do that. So Treading is just picking a cardio machine - then you go 5 mins as hard as you can and do a 5 min cool down. Then you do the same for 4 mins, 3 mins, 2 mins and 1 min. Then of course when you're dying there's a "SURPRISE, we're not done yet; push it one more time!"

And finally, we had good ol' dinner. Not great but not horrible. Pics are below. There's no pic of the dessert because it just looked like a big pile of granola. :) Best news of the day was that the lecture for the guests staying more than one week was canceled! WOOOOOT! So I get to hang in my room and relax a bit. Awesome. The days are getting easier. And I don't mean that in the way it might come across - it's easier to make it through the day. Everything is still extremely hard and you are pushed to your breaking point. But now I think everyone knows they're going to get through it, including little ol' me! That's it for me, have a good one!

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